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Benchmark - Class in pt.tumba.spell
This is a benchmarking class, usefull for measuring how well this package is doing.
Benchmark(String) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.spell.Benchmark
Constructor for Benchmark.
BloomFilter - Class in pt.tumba.spell
Implementation of a Bloom Filter data structure, an elegant alternative to the lookup hash table.
BloomFilter() - Constructor for class pt.tumba.spell.BloomFilter
Constructs an empty BloomFilter with the default number of hash functions (10) and the default length for the bit vector (1000).
BloomFilter(String) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.spell.BloomFilter
Constructs a Bloom Filter from a string representation.
BloomFilter(int, double) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.spell.BloomFilter
Constructs an empty BloomFilter with a given length for the bit vector, guarenteeing a maximum error rate.
BloomFilter(int) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.spell.BloomFilter
Constructs an empty BloomFilter with the default number of hash functions (10) and a given length for the bit vector.
BloomFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class pt.tumba.spell.BloomFilter
Constructs an empty BloomFilter with a given number of hash functions and a given length for the bit vector.
buffer - Variable in class pt.tumba.spell.BloomFilter
A buffer for the Rabin fingerprinting algorithm.

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